Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blog review: Legal

The UK government are considering plans to cut off internet access for people that illegally download music and films.Broadband providers that failed to enforce the rules could be prosecuted and forced to provide the details of the downloaders to the courts.

Six of the UK largest ISPs are set to announce that they've signed up to a government-backed initiative that's designed to clamp down on music privacy.The broadband suppliers, believed to be BT, Virgin, Carphone Warehouse, Orange, Tiscali and Sky- are expected to reveal details of a memorandum understanding they've signed with the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) that will result in the ISPs sending warning letters to those suspected of illegally downloading tracks.

The BPI, which represents the UK music industry has been pushing ISPs to step up efforts to tackle illegal downloads for many years. Music labels claim that free downloads from peer-to-peer services heavily impact sales and want those responsible to be penalised.

However, ISPs have been historically protective of their customers when it comes to relinquishing subscriber details to third parties. Therefore, one idea that's been suggested is that ISPs implement a "Three strikes and you're out rule" under which offenders would first be issued with written warnings. Then if they continued to illegally download tracks, offenders could have their internet access terminated.

Virgin Media has been in the forefront of the move to clamp down on illegal downloads. As much as eight hundreds Virgin Media customers received letters warning them about participating in illegal file sharing at the start of the company 10-week campaign to 'educate users' about the danger of file-sharing.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Things to take note to prevent e-auction fraud when a consumer participating in an e-auction

E-auction is a part of the strategic sourcing process which is a procurement tool using web-based software that allows suppliers to bid online for a contract for the supply of goods or services. When the bids are reduced and not increased as in a traditional auction, it is called a reverse auction. The objective is typically to arrive at the lowest total cost as distinct from the lowest price. However, there are many cases of e-auction fraud had happened around us. Therefore, we have to prevent our self when participate in an e-auction activity. There are several suggestions that we wish to share with the consumers who perhaps to prevent the e-auction fraud.

1. Do some researches before you participate in an e-auction activity.
Consumers should do some researches about the processes of e-auction and surf some of the e-auction website such as Amazon.com.

2. Read and understand carefully about the e-auction conditions.
Consumers should read the requirements and conditions that the website requested. Bear in mind the specific conditions especially the conditions of payments.

3. Do not simply disclose your personal data and financial information.
If you realized there are some e-mail messages from someone that you do not know for asking your personal data for examples credit card number, account number, or password, don't just send the data without knowing more about who is asking. Never ever give out your social security number or bank account information. Make sure you have thoroughly checked out the seller and the escrow service.

4. Asking for the duration of delivery.
Consumers must ask the seller when delivery can be expected if not specified in the listing. Besides, consumers should ask for the warranty policy, exchange or return if the mechanism is broken or dissatisfied.

5. Asking for the shipping or delivery fees.
Consumers have to read carefully on the listing or asking the seller whether there has extra changes for the shipping or delivery fees. It is to prevent the extra costs or the cost that shouldn't included.

6. Check the delivered goods.
Lastly, when you received the goods, you must check it carefully. If there are any broken or unmatched, you must to return back to the seller within the duration that noted in the conditions.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mobile payment systems in Malaysia: Its potentials and consumers’ adoption strategies.

Can you even imagine just a few years ago that so soon will come a time when people like us can use our hand phone as wallet to pay whoever and whatever we want in the comfort of wherever we are using only a mobile phone coupled with a 6-digit security PIN (Personal Identification Number) via SMS (Short Messaging Service)? It’s just so fantastic because just the other day I paid my utility bills like Astro, TNB, Telecom and water bill from the chair in the front of my TV. I was also being able to reload my hand phone at a discounted rate and settle my credit card loans, car loans and house loans via my personal hand phone.

Although not tangible, I am for sure going to save hundreds of Ringgit Malaysia in terms of fuel, waiting time, parking fees and tolls in a year. Not forgetting the anxiety and helplessness I have suffered because of banks operating time and Public Holidays.

Mobile Payment is a point-of-sale (POS) payment made through a mobile device, such as a cellular telephone, a smart phone, or a personal digital assistant (PDA). Using mobile payment method, a person with a wireless device could pay for items in a store or settle a restaurant bill without interacting with any staff member. Mobile payments are used to pay no only for merchandise purchased via mobile channel but also transactions in the physical world such as vending machines, passport photo machines and car wash machines.

One of the example of Mobile Payment Systems that are available in Malaysia such as MMWallet. It is designed by Mobile Money International Sdn Bhd. It is to solve the problem created by cash, credit cards and cheques. Now, users are free to purchase products online and made payment without being physically present at the store. This will definitely boom our e-commerce industry in Malaysia since it encouraged consumers to shop online.

To use Mobile Money, he/she must have a savings, current or credit card account with participating banks. It is like a Credit Card if he/she applies for a "Pay by Mobile Phone" credit card account or be billed by the bank accordingly every month. Besides, it also functions as a Debit Card if it is tied to shopper's savings or current account. The amount will be deducted directly once the transaction is successful from their account.

To encourage consumer to adopt this payment system, super low transaction fee must be introduce compared to what typically being charged by credit card (acquiring banks) at 2.5 to 3%. For e-commerce website integrated with Mobile Money WebLink, the transaction rate is 2.5%, one of the lowest online transaction rate compared to other typically charges such as 3.5% for MOTO transaction and 4.5% for Internet Payment Gateway.

Besides, consumers must be told that it is safe and secure. With Mobile Money, they do not have to be concern of cash /cheque/credit card handling problems or fraud. The Mobile Money Payment System conforms to the stringent requirements set by Bank Negara Malaysia and the participating banks.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog review: E-tailing

This is a review from the post about Dell,a multinational technology corporation that is shifting away from direct sales online. As we all have known, Dell sells their PC and laptops directly to their customers online. However, Dell is slowly shifting away from this successful business model when the growth of PC sales slowed.

Dell impressed many in its early years with its distinct model of supply chain management, selling customized computers directly to customers to meet burgeoning PC demand. Those days appear to be over as Dell's profits and shares have dropped considerably from their peaks in recent times.

Therefore, Dell had announced that it would offer Dimension PCs and Inspiron notebooks through Wal-Mart and Sam's club.

What was Dell's rationale for the recent sales model shift?
Dell's stock price, which had fallen over 30 percent in the previous year while rivals such as Hewlett-Packard had performed much better.

The reason is because today's customers are willing to choose from a smaller number of off-the-shelf PCs and are less concerned with customization. And as PC prices have plummetted, inventory of standardized models turns quickly, and is less of a factor in profitability.

The shifts have converged to dampen dramatically the value of the direct sales channel built around cenralized inventory storage and PC customibility.

The application of pre-paid cash card for consumers

What is pre-paid cash card

A prepaid cash card can be explained as a card issued by a bank or building society enabling customers to pay for goods by inserting it into a computer-controlled device at the place of sale, which is connected through the telephone network to the bank or building society. A prepaid cash card allows consumers to purchase something even when they don’t have the cash to pay for it. It benefits consumers in their everyday life.

Applications of prepaid cash card

Prepaid cash card can be used for several applications, for examples :

1. Consumer can shops at anywhere anytime
As long as your account has money, u can shopping at anywhere and anytime just with
a prepaid cash card. The prepaid cash card can be used for shopping in the grocery which
has the machine which accept the applications of prepaid cash card, make a on9 shopping,
pay for phone, buy pump in the petrol station, and etc.

2. Transfer money
A prepaid cash card can let the consumer transfers money to friends or family either in
the local or overseas. Some prepaid cash cards are provide the features that can let
consumer make transferring between two prepaid cash cards via bank wire transfers.

3. Act as a replacement
As a replacement for travelers cheques or travel cash for a low cost alternative to paying
for goods and services abroad. Consumer buy prepaid cash card dominated in the currency of destination, and then use them to withdraw cash at ATMs or buying goods or services. It is indeed a great way to carry prepaid cash card since it is much safer and more secure than carrying a large amounts of cash for travel.

4. ATM
With a prepaid cash card, consumer can make withdrawal at the ATM machines.

5. Pay for toll, parking, LRT
Touch n Go, one of the type of prepaid cash card. This is a useful prepaid cash card that
most of the consumer using it in Malaysia. It provide a lot of convenience for us. It can let
consumer pay toll on the highway, pay parking fees in the shopping mall, even more,
consumer can pay for LRT's tickets rather than waiting a long queue to buy at counter.

What are the benefits of using prepaid cash card?

1.Purchase protection
Mostly of the prepaid cash card now providing the feature of purchase protection and even
better this comes at no extra cost. That means, if the consumer use the prepaid cash card
to purchase goods or services in full and, if goods or services fail to arrive, you may be
entitled to a refund of the money you have spent on them using your card.

2. Free balance alerts
Some of prepaid cash card center is provides the service of informing their consumer how
many balance they still having in the account.

3. To help with budgeting
If you have ever had any concerns about overspending or splashing out, some of the prepaid cash card may provided the answer. You can control your budget, as you pay for what you top up onto your account. That is another special feature that provided by some of the prepaid cash card providers, they will providing the service of helping the consumer to budget their accounts.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Corporate Blogging

A corporate weblog is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals.Its goals is to increase company credibility, enhance customer service and interaction, and give customers a peek of the behind the scenes of the corporate culture, showcase new products or services and more.Through the corporate blog, a company can converse directly with customers and prospects via internet service,and creates trust and builds customer relationships.

A corporate blog is the perfect choice for interacting with existing and potential clients. Corporate blogging serves as a channel for a company and its customers to meet on common ground and to know each other more.A corporate blog fit their own company culture, selecting the individual or employee who will write it’s blog .An ideal corporate blogger is one who is an expert in his field. They write their blog with passion and sincerity. The objectives is to engage their customers and prospects in conversation

The most effective way to start a conversation is to be sincere and honest in their blog while writing about topics that are important to its company. Blogger should have good writing skills. They should be one who is respected by his peers and reacts calmly to outbursts. They need to identify what customers needs and what service they can perform for customers. To get customers attention, blogger need to participate in a conversation credibly. To be credible,blogger come up with worthwhile content ideas, insights, news and information. Content need not be long but should be interesting.

Corporate blog include :

1.Monster.com (recruiting) - http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog/

2.GM -http://fastlane.gmblogs.com/ne.gmblogs.com/

3.My LEGO - http://www.bricksonthebrain.com/blog

4.Ford - http://blog.ford.com/BLOG.CFM

5.Maytag Skybox - http://www.ka-thunk.com/

6.Forrester - http://forrester.typepad.com/charleneli/2004/11/blogging_policy.html

E-Government in Malaysia

Malaysia’s huge e-government initiative began in 1997 with the launch of the Multimedia Super Corridor’s (MSC) E-Government Flagship Application.
MSC Malaysia status is
* awarded to both local and foreign companies that develop or use multimedia technologies.
* produce or enhance their products and services and for process development.
* employ a substantial number of knowledge workers.
* provide technology transfer or contribute towards the development of MSC Malaysia or
support Malaysia's k-economy initiatives.
* establish a separate legal entity for MSC Malaysia qualifying multimedia business and activities.
* locate in a MSC Malaysia designated cybercities.
* comply with environmental guidelines.

The projects of the Electronic Government Flagship Application :

1. The Project Monitoring System (SPP II) is a system :
* For the global information and communication technology (ICT) industry.

* It originally included an area of approximately 15x50 km² which stretched from the Petronas Twin Towers to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and also included the towns of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. It has expanded to include the entire Klang Valley on 7 December 2006.

2. The Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by management accountants to solving business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy.e.g. Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems.

3.Electronic Procurement (E-Procurement) is a way of using the Internet to make it easier, faster, and less expensive for businesses to purchase the goods and services they require.

such as reverse auctions (e-auctions).

Its goal is to streamline the purchasing process so businesses can focus more management time on earning revenue and serving customers.

4.Electronic Services (E-Services/ESD) providing government services through the Internet or other electronic means. Electronic Service Delivery is one way governments attempt to deliver services directly to the citizen, without the citizen having to go to a government building. Electronic Service Delivery can look like other shopping or service sites on the Internet. e.g., paying taxes, or getting a drivers license if you wish to drive on public roads.