Nowadays, e-payments are the most famous and easiest way for consumer to pay their accounts through internet. E-payments can help consumer to save the time for waiting a long queue either in the banks or in the post offices. Therefore, e-payments are popular in the market even for UTAR students also using e-banking to pay the tuition fees to UTAR. But, did u really think about whether your personal information and financial data are safe when you are paying through the internet? Many traditional-oriented people are still distrust e-payments because they still trust that using the traditional way, i.e make payment through face to face are more safety than facing the computers. Usually, when we are registering as a member of certain website, we are request for fill in some of our personal information such as name, phone number, e-mail address, and so on. Especially for online buying or e-payments, the members are required to fill in their name, IC number, bank account number0credit card number, and so on. what actually we need to take step for ensuring those information are providing in a safe and private way? Therefore, we are now providing some suggestions to guide you from safeguard our personal and financial data.
1. Choose user name and password wisely.
You have to choose the user name and password that you are easily to remember but don't want it to be something that a clever thief could figure out just by learning your birth date or IC number.
2.Review your transactions, accounts, or statements and keep the history.
You have to review the transactions or your accounts once you had been notified to the website immediately of any unauthorized activity. Besides, you have to keep the history of any transactions made such as the confirmation e-mail, bills, as long as direct mail.
3.Ever reveal your personal information or password or your Social Security number to anyone.
Always remember to log out properly before you leaving the Financial Data Center and must to store your credit card in a safety place and don't simply give anyone know the number of even your signature.
4.Protect your computer's security.
To safeguard your personal information and financial data as safe as possible, you might use as many as possible the ways that can help you to secure your computer's security. Install an antivirus software, anti-spyware, firewall, or even set a password to protect your data when starting the computer. Always to bear in mind, falling to protect your computer is just as similar as unlocked your door after leaving your home.
5.Protect your personal information or password by using technologies.
To level up your security state of your personal and financial data, you are advising to use technologies to safeguard your data and password. For example, designate and implement a safeguards program that includes regular compliance monitoring and evaluation. Besides that you also can use a variety of public key infrastructure (PKI) that which is represent a conner stone for secure e-payments. For example, you can use encryption which is a process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access to secure your data.
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